She Let Herself Go

…aging on the way to old? Well that is too much. There is too much raw energy, too much bare anger and rage and all the feelings worn on the outside, showing, demanding we look.

Is It Hot in Here?

Unlike John Denver’s musical ode to West Virginia, I am most decidedly not in almost heaven. More like almost hell. I know I’m not in hell because if I were in hell I would be experiencing the Inferno-esque thermo-nuclear changes my body is throwing at me while a man followed me around explaining to me I’m…

Goodbye Sucks

Eight years of expat (migrant) living has thickened my skin…to an extent. I can generally hold it together at the flag ceremonies and stand un-quivering through a chorus line of hugs. Depending on where on I am on the roller coaster of emotions I find myself riding these days, you’ll find me anywhere from stoic…

Pssst…Millennials–Gen X Here. Can We Have a Word?

Dear Millennials, I keep reading about your disillusionment with the political process, about your lack of enthusiasm for the candidates you have to choose from. I get it. Try, if you will, to cast you mind back to the 80s. We were a generation that came of age at the height of the AIDS/HIV crisis. We…