America is a Gun

No one needs an assault rifle. Or a semi-automatic rifle. Or whatever the semantic difference is that people think is important and is really not because that’s not the point. No one needs an AR-15 to defend themselves. No one needs to open carry a semi-automatic weapon. No one needs one to protect themselves from…

The Forgotten American

If I read one more think piece about what constitutes a ‘real’ American, or what alphabetized or categorized or hypothesized list of attributes define a ‘real’ American, I’m going to scream. If I read one more newspaper article, or book blurb, or journal piece by men and women with glasses and thoughtful looks in their…

America, Where Are You?

America is supposed to be better than this. Where is the country, young, scrappy, and hungry, that stood up to a mad king and against all odds, won its independence? The country which has a statue at one of its busiest ports challenging the world to give us its tired and poor, its huddled masses yearning…