A Word to Progressives

There’s a story I’ve been telling recently I think bears repeating. A year or two before my son started school, there was a buzz. Word on the playground was that a momentum was building. A group of neighborhood parents, priced out of NYC private schools and frustrated at the lackluster performance of the local public schools,…

The Mother of All Elections

I know I’m not alone in experiencing what’s become known as “election fatigue”. I’m exhausted; head-scratching, rage-inducing, gag-me-with-a-spoon, rant-riddled exhausted. But I think I’ve finally figured out one reason why. Being a Democrat this election cycle has been like parenting a two-year old. For eighteen months the GOP has been throwing the mother of all tantrums. Over-tired toddler in…

Pssst…Millennials–Gen X Here. Can We Have a Word?

Dear Millennials, I keep reading about your disillusionment with the political process, about your lack of enthusiasm for the candidates you have to choose from. I get it. Try, if you will, to cast you mind back to the 80s. We were a generation that came of age at the height of the AIDS/HIV crisis. We…

Like a Death Row Pardon Two Minutes Too Late

When I was but a wee lass, the children’s show Sesame Street used to end each episode with a little blurb about the show being “sponsored” by a number and/or letter. Today’s show was brought to you by the number 5 and the letter P!! Well, today’s rant is brought to you by the words hypocrisy…