Expating in the Time of Corona

Unless you’re living under a rock (superb social distancing points), navigating this virus is affecting most aspects of our lives. It’s upended economies. It’s uprooted nations, plans, and traditions. The damn virus is upskirting us all–exposing fault lines within countries, within governments, institutions, and families. I feel a bit like a menopausal monkey, swinging wildly…

It Took a Virus to Remind Us

I am not a natural optimist. Realist bordering on pessimist perhaps, glass half empty–but because I drank it. But definitely not an optimist. There is no sunshine in my Suzy. There is no Anna in my Polly. On the other hand, there’s no rain on my parade either. But there are definitely clouds. Sometimes wind….

The Loneliness of the Long-Term Expat

There are expats who bounce around like global jumping beans, serial movers, making home sweet homes wherever they go. There are one-shot Wandas who live abroad for the turn of an Earthly axis or two before they replant themselves, a year or two of fond (or dismal) anecdotes and lots of  holiday photos to share…

Expats Anonymous

I’ve used plenty of phrases to describe living abroad: crazy, upside down, terrifying, exhilarating, tearful, broadening–but after a conversation with a good friend recently, I need to add another. Addictive. For some expats, whirling from one post and dervishing to the next, it’s easy to lose yourself in the tornado of “the move”. At times,…