What I Need My High Schooler to Know

Dear Son, High school’s sure changed a lot in the last thirty years. Back then I used to think programming the Commodore 64 to scroll my name in a loop was a big deal…but I have a feeling the important bits haven’t changed that much. Some stuff is definitely harder (the omnipresence of social media),…

To My Son, Who is Turning Thirteen

Here we are, on the verge of big, bad teenagerdom. I’m not going to lie, I’m scared. Not all the time, and not even about the big, bad things, but nevertheless, she persisted worrying. Have I done enough? Have I reminded you to please and thank you enough? Taught you how to tell a joke…

Cool Kids

Dear Son, Ever since the Sharks challenged the Jets to a dance rumble, kids have been talking about who’s cool and who’s not. Oh heck, it probably started before that. There was probably a group of Neanderthal kids who thought their puma skin loin cloths were better than the Cro-Magnon kids’ leopard skin thongs (they were wrong, leopard skin…

About a Boy

For nearly ten years, I have been re-enacting my own version of Gorillas in the Mist. I observe, sometimes making mental notes. Sometimes I have a flash of understanding that breaks through like a ray of sunshine on a gray, winter day. Often I scratch my head in wonder. I speak of course, of my boys….