Thanksgiving Heroes

Sometimes the thankful gets buried under an avalanche of the…other stuff. The worries, the concerns, the humdrum, the fury. Recently, for me, it’s been a lot of fury. Make no mistake, I’m thankful for the fury. It’s protected my heart against the onslaught of grief which is no doubt coming. It acts as a buffer until my spirit…

And These, Thy Gifts

Much to the eternal and sometimes vocal dismay of my Catholic Nana, I do not kneel and pray to a recognized God.  To the sometimes obvious but never stated disappointment of my mother, I do not attend regular services or partake of sacraments or place all the eggs of my faith in one basket.  To…

Thanksgiving: A Love Story

Spoiler Alert:  If you are expecting this to be an ode to all things gobble gobble, stop reading now.  The truth is, I don’t even eat turkey. Thanksgiving.  A time to reflect, a time to count blessings, a time to give thanks.  I am a most lucky lady and have many, many things to be…