This Vote’s For You

This vote’s for you, Susan B. This vote’s for every little girl who was told math wasn’t for girls and for every young woman who was told girls can’t grow up to be doctors or lawyers or engineers, astronauts or Presidents. This vote’s for every woman who has ever had to moderate her voice or…

The First Rule Of Hillary Club

Recently I was added to a secret group. It’s a group of women (and men) who are #WithHer. And by with her, I mean with Hillary. But even more than that, they are with every HER that is part of the group. Members run the gamut between long time Hillary supporters (raising hand) to those who…

The Mother of All Elections

I know I’m not alone in experiencing what’s become known as “election fatigue”. I’m exhausted; head-scratching, rage-inducing, gag-me-with-a-spoon, rant-riddled exhausted. But I think I’ve finally figured out one reason why. Being a Democrat this election cycle has been like parenting a two-year old. For eighteen months the GOP has been throwing the mother of all tantrums. Over-tired toddler in…

Pssst…Millennials–Gen X Here. Can We Have a Word?

Dear Millennials, I keep reading about your disillusionment with the political process, about your lack of enthusiasm for the candidates you have to choose from. I get it. Try, if you will, to cast you mind back to the 80s. We were a generation that came of age at the height of the AIDS/HIV crisis. We…