A, B, C

One of the original ideas behind Wine and Cheese (Doodles) was to find a more creative outlet for my new found ‘free’ time.  I have picked up some knitting skills along the way (and have a rack full of scarves and several too small hats), a new obsession with homemade cards and a growing collection of letter photography, a project I had been dithering over  for a few years.  I am by no means a skilled photographer, so until now I haven’t been posting photographs as individual posts, but grouping them together in ‘pages’ at the top of the blog.   After a re-think, I’ve decided to juggle the lay-out a bit and instead of updating the static pages only, I will post small groups of photos or projects individually, updating the static pages later.  Enjoy the letters, because the next project involves garden gnomes and collage….

2013-02-10 16.41.55
A is for artistic license?
B is for blue sky at the Rundtårn
C is for clean lined graffiti

5 Comments Add yours

  1. Eva says:

    I love your letter photography. Maybe you can do one of Copenhagen and make a poster? Or some kind of search poster for kids?


    1. dhonour says:

      Eva, thanks! That’s an excellent idea! I may just do something along those lines. Right now not all the photos are in CPH, but the Danes love their fonts, it should be easy enough to photograph the alphabet from a CPH standpoint. Thanks again!


  2. This is a lovely project – we love looking at the Alphabet Soup page – so pleased you’re doing more!


    1. dhonour says:

      I’m glad you like it! Like I said, I am not the most talented photographer, not even in the house. In fact, out of 4 of us, I think I probably rank about 3rd at the moment. But photographing the letters appeals to me on a bunch of different levels, so as long as I can find them, I’ll keep snapping.


  3. Love these photographs!


Talk to me, Goose.

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