Dear Class of 2021

Don’t get hung up on boxes. They’re overrated. The edges are sharp and you get paper cuts on your heart. Color outside the lines. Leave yourself room to walk out. Try circles or rhombuses or heck, go wild with a dodecahedron.

‘Twas The Week Fore Election

Twas mere weeks ’til election, when all through the landThe people were voting by mail and by hand; The ballots were mounting in state after stateCast after four years of interminable wait; The voters were spilling out into the streetsWith the tongue taste of 2016 still bittersweet; And Kamala in her Chucks, and Liz with…

It Took a Virus to Remind Us

I am not a natural optimist. Realist bordering on pessimist perhaps, glass half empty–but because I drank it. But definitely not an optimist. There is no sunshine in my Suzy. There is no Anna in my Polly. On the other hand, there’s no rain on my parade either. But there are definitely clouds. Sometimes wind….

To Do or Not To Do…In the Time of Corona, That Is The Question

At any given time, on any given day, there are approximately 97 thousand things I should or could be doing. Laundry, updating vaccination records, working on another novel that will probably go nowhere. Super fun stuff, right? I mean, hell, my wedding photos, which are nearly 19 years old, still aren’t in an album. My taxes…