The Absence of “No” is Not Enough

For the last week I’ve been watching the #MeToo movement rise and fall in the media. Women are sharing, in great detail, personal experiences in order to highlight just how pervasive the problem of sexual harassment and assault really is. What I’m also noticing is that men, on the whole, have been largely silent. Now,…

A Rock and a Hard Place

Recently a writer tweeted a comment in reaction to a female politician’s actions. Women on Twitter correctly pointed out that in their experiences, as actual women, that particular advice 1. Wrongly shifts the burden onto women2. Doesn’t do fuck all3. Often has the opposite effect4. Could be downright dangerous Instead of actively listening to thousands…

Why Don’t We Believe Women?

My feelings about Feminism are well and widely known. My opinions are not hidden under a layer of civility or justification. On the contrary, they have, in recent months, become louder and further cemented in my belief system. Despite all that, there’s one question I circle back to time and time again. Why don’t we believe…