Castle on a Cloud

Like many, I waited to see if a piece of history would be leveled. Paris and Hugo and Hemingway. Bells and bell towers, hunchbacks and fear of the marginalized. Asylum, refuge. And above all, the infuriating human trait of naiveté. ***** We humans, sacks of blood and bone, architects of these castles in the sky,…

For the Greater Good

I’m a parent. I’m supposed to be teaching my kids, guiding them, yet I’m continually humbled by how much I learn from them whenever I stop to watch and listen. Recently we took a trip to the local science museum–because science is real, and fun, and interesting, and because my kids always do better in…

One Small Step for Man Unkind

Growing up in a country not their own, attending school with children from all over the world, my children have the luxury of daily exposure to difference. Multiculturalism is more than just a box ticked on a syllabus, more than a buzzword. It’s not something to be merely tolerated, but celebrated. I’m ashamed to admit it’s…