Why Don’t We Believe Women?

My feelings about Feminism are well and widely known. My opinions are not hidden under a layer of civility or justification. On the contrary, they have, in recent months, become louder and further cemented in my belief system. Despite all that, there’s one question I circle back to time and time again. Why don’t we believe…

Do Not Disturb

It’s an age-old question: What do women want? Psssst…come closer. I’ll let you in on a secret. ….. …… …… Women want to be left alone. I’m serious. For the most part, we just want you to leave us alone. We want you to stop telling us how we should or shouldn’t dress, what not to wear, how…

A Letter From Poland

I don’t normally run guest posts, but it may be the perfect time to start. The below is a letter from Poland. The author wishes to remain anonymous but her words should be read by every woman, because together we ARE everywoman.  Think this couldn’t happen in the U.S.? Think again. We’re just one or two Supreme…

A Proportional Response

There was an early episode of The West Wing in which the President had to choose a course of action after a deadly terrorist attack. Ready to unleash the full might of the US military, he was eventually persuaded to take a more measured approach. Why? Because while carpet bombing another country into oblivion may have made him feel better for a minute, it wasn’t going to…