March Forth and Read


March is my favorite writing month. The thirty-one days of Women’s History Month gives me an excuse to gather all my favorite things–women, words, and wit–on the page.

Oh, who am I kidding? I never need an excuse to do that!

March is also the month when you can grab a copy of It’s a Lot to Unpack on super sale.

For the month of March, the Kindle version It’s a Lot to Unpack can be yours for the bargain basement price of $4.99.

That, dear Readers, is less than a Starbucks grande latte mocha creme pumpkin spice-achino. And for the cost of a giant muffin to go with your coffee, you can grab a paperback.

Did you know that if you have a subscription to Hoopla you can read it there too?

Come April 1st, the book will revert to its normal price, so now is definitely the time to march forth and read. Also, I might be biased, but I think it makes a nifty gift for the book lovers in your life.

Please don’t forget to let me know what you think on Amazon or Goodreads. Every review counts–and trust me, there is nothing more onerous than chasing down reviews.

Until then, Happy Women’s History Month!



Talk to me, Goose.

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