March Forth and Read

March is my favorite writing month. The thirty-one days of Women’s History Month gives me an excuse to gather all my favorite things–women, words, and wit–on the page. Oh, who am I kidding? I never need an excuse to do that! March is also the month when you can grab a copy of It’s a…

It’s a Lot to Unpack

Hey friend, it’s been a while! What’s new, you ask? Well, in November, I released my second book, It’s a Lot to Unpack, a memoir of my journey from New York badass to international housewife, and the fifteen-year struggle to find a way back to the woman I left behind. Since then? Well, I’ve been…

Bite-size Joys

I’m the last person to look to for advice when it comes to accentuating the positive. I have a tendency to get mired in the muck of the mundane, stuck in the shit, bogged down in the banal…you get the idea. At the dawning of these times of plague, my advice was to do whatever…

2020: In Which I Did All the Things and Yet Nothing at All

So in January 2020, like every other year, I bought myself a spanking new planner. A whole book of crisp, white pages just waiting to be filled in with the mundane and the exciting. Coffees and dinners and deadlines and trips! (We had a lot of travel planned for 2020). There were big birthdays and…