We Should All Be Weeping

If I had a daughter, I would want her to be little like Emma Gonzalez. Or perhaps a lot like her. There are a hundred reasons. There is her buzz cut for starters. As a woman who used to shave her head I promise you, bringing a set of clippers to your scalp is a…

Best of Men and Best of Husbands

Occasionally people ask me if I hate men. Playing a feminist version of the old “Bloody Mary” game of slumber parties past, I’ve stood with eyes squeezed shut and asked a mirror the same question. “Do I hate men?”“Do I hate men?”“Do I hate men?” When I’ve opened my eyes, the answer is the same…

20 Minutes of Action

Dear boys, I do my best. As a feminist raising boys, I go out of my way to have an open and ongoing dialogue with you about differences, about gender and as you get older, about sex and consent. But I can’t change biology. And I can’t single-handedly change the world we live in and…

Boy Talk

Pew! Pew! Pew!There was this creeper, Steve, pew! pew!Kksssshhhh Kksssshhhh NnnnnnnnnnShare the light sabers! Mom! Mom!I want the Modulus Combat Rambo Destroyer of EmpriesWhat is that?A Nerf gun. So, you mod it, right?Where’s the light saber? The double one?Did you check in the weapons box?(Oh my God. We have a weapons box.) How do you…